Lex is an association to advocate the interests and to support student activities of the law students studying in the University of Turku. The association is founded in 1961 and celebrated it’s 61th anniversary in the year 2022. Lex consists of approximately 1000 members.
According to the association’s rules, one can join and act as member of Lex, if he is undertaking the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Law, in the University of Turku. The association co-operates with domestic and foreign lawyers’ associations and other student organizations. Although the majority of Lex’s activities consist of different leisure events, it actively aims to improve the quality of teaching and the learning conditions and opportunities in the University. This is done in collaboration with the faculty of law and other instances. Lex is a sub-organization of the student union of the University of Turku and a member of the Association of Finnish Lawyers.
Lex publishes its own paper LexPress five times a year and organizes access courses for the applicants to faculty of law. The course’s profits are used to fund the association. Lex also grants stipends from the scholarship fund by the criteria which are defined in the fund’s rules.
The association also owns Lex Libri Ltd. which is a company that sells different merchandise for student activities and runs a café in the faculty building Calonia. Lex also has a club house called Kirkkotie, in which various events are held.
The daily operation of Lex is run by a board of 8 members. The board consists of the president, the treasurer, the head secretary and the chairmen of the Club House-, Internal Relations-, Foreign Affairs-, Academic Affairs- and Activities comittee. The committees and divisions are open to all members of the association. The general meeting is the highest decision-making body. Lex also has an honorary president who is elected in the general meeting and who oversees the compliance of the association’s rules and its goals. The honorary president is elected for a term of two years and the current honorary president is Mikko Heinonen (2019-2020). According to the association rules, the honorary president automatically becomes an honorary member after his term.
Lex’s office (see map) is open from Tuesday to Thursday between 12 and 16. The office is a place where the member can come to enjoy good company, drink coffee and chat with each other. Welcome!
Financial Affairs Committee (FiAC)
Club House Committee (CHC)
Culture Division (CC)
Internal Relations Committee (IRC)
Foreign Affairs Committee (FoAC)
Academic Affairs Committee (AAC)
Activities Committee (AC)
Sports Divisions (SC)
Editorial Staff of LexPress
For any information regarding Lex or Exchange student affairs, please contact Annika Hiisikero, +358 44 2549555